Each month we pick from our new recommendations a specific security which we feel has the best potential for both income and capital appreciation. They may be below investment grade, a convertible, an adjustable rate, a closed end fund or just a security that has unique aspects which make it undervalued in the current market.
This is a snap-shot of a previos pick of the month just to provide a sample, Subscribe Now! to get the current one.
April’s Pick of the Month is the common stock of BlackRock, Inc . (BLK) . In just over two decades from its founding in 1988, BlackRock became the world’s largest asset manager . In 2011 its stock was added to the S&P 500 Index and two years later Fortune included BlackRock in its list of the world’s most admired com-panies . BlackRock’s strengths include large recurring rev-enues and swift adaptation to industry changes . This recom-mendation is aimed at low- to medium-risk investors seeking sustainable dividend growth, as opposed to high current yield . Growth in income is an important safeguard against long-run loss of purchasing power to inflation . For details, see page 4 .